hi. cyborg.
I’m just a normal person.
Living in South Tirol.
My dream was to become a movie director.
But these days, I am very sad because of my dream.
hi. cyborg.
I’m just a normal person.
Living in South Tirol.
My dream was to become a movie director.
But these days, I am very sad because of my dream.
Recent discoveries:
on girl in other brown while side the bit to beating her
the the the
I drown this hen, the ball drops and returns my truth to know
five … a little like I of ground
little watching heart I
Lue sat alone. She watched the dark street below through the window, but nothing moved. If she stopped blinking the world slowly moved out of focus till she only could see herself in the window’s reflection. She despised this image and yet she couldn’t move. A deep melancholia raged through her body without any plan or origin.
Deine Worte hängen noch in der Luft, aber ich bin schon verschwunden. Ich habe nichts für dich als das, kann dir nur anbieten, was besonders wäre, denn ich bin nicht besonders.
Ich habe Angst vor deiner Liebe.
Ich lebe nur in den Zwischenräumen, denen ohne Konsequenz.
Es gibt kein Zuhause mit mir.
Ich habe dich belogen. Habe gelogen vom ersten Tag an, an dem du zu mir ins Zimmer kamst und ich es zuließ, dass du in meinen Worten versinkst.
this is all about you happy people
living that life to the fullest
there is nothing better,
than you
the lucky few
yeah, oh, yeah